紐約期油 - 美國通過債限協議及就業數據公布後油價大漲
油價周五大漲,此前美國通過債限協議避免了世界上最大的石油消費國出現違約,且就業數據助長了美國聯邦儲備理事會(FED)可能暫停加息的希望。市場焦點轉向周末將舉行的石油輸出國組織(OPEC)及其盟友會議。美國西德克薩斯中質原油上漲1.64美元,或2.3%,報收於71.74美元。在眾議院批準後,美國參議院批準了一項兩黨協議,暫停公債上限的限制,避免了可能震撼金融市場的債務違約。 美國5月份就業增長加快,但失業率飆升至3.7%的七個月高點,表明勞動力市場吃緊的狀況正在緩解,這可能給美國聯邦儲備理事會(FED)跳過本月加息提供了理由。
阻力 73.60 – 74.80 – 79.50
支持 67.00 – 65.00 – 63.64
Dear Cusrtomer,
As the movement and intensity of Yagi changes, the Observatory may issue a Typhoon Signal No. 3 or higher. During the typhoon and rainstorm period, our deposits and withdrawals service will remain normal, while the bank-in time varies with the process time by the banks. Please pay attention to the fund level of your account and make necessary fund allocation in advance.
交易時間 Trading Hours | 入金 Deposit | 出金 Withdrawal |
正常 Normal | 正常 Normal | 正常 Normal |
Dear Valued Customers,
Regarding the captioned Holiday, please notice that the trading schedule for Foreign Currency and Precious Metals will be as follows:
Online Platform (Foreign Currency )
日期 DATE | 開市 Open | 收市 Close |
02/09/2024 (星期一 Monday) | 早上7時01分 07:01 | 照常 Regular |
03/09/2024 (星期二 Tuesday) | 照常 Regular | 照常 Regular |
Online Platform (Precious Metals)
日期 DATE | 開市 Open | 收市 Close |
02/09/2024 (星期一 Monday) | 早上7時01分 07:01 | 翌日凌晨2時29分 02:29 (next day) |
03/09/2024 (星期二 Tuesday) | 早上7時01分 07:01 | 照常 Regular |
Should you have any inquires, please contact our customer service team at 2574 2229
本公司由即日起,處理出金的截數時間更改為下午 2:00,下午2:00後提交的出金申請會於翌日處理,如遇香港公眾假期,處理時間將順延。
Starting from today, kindly note that
our cut-off time for same day processing of withdrawal will be 2:00pm,
Monday to Friday. The processing time will be extended during Hong Kong
public holiday.
If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.
Re: US Market Holiday-“INDEPENDENCE DAY” –Trading Hours Arrangement
Regarding the captioned Holiday, please notice that the trading schedule for Foreign Currency and Precious Metals will be as follows:
Online Platform (Foreign Currency
日期 DATE | 開市 Open | 收市 Close |
04/07/2023 (星期四 Thursday) | 照常 Regular | 照常 Regular |
05/07/2023 (星期五 Friday) | 照常 Regular | 照常 Regular |
Online Platform (Precious Metals
日期 DATE | 開市 Open | 收市 Close |
04/07/2023 (星期四 Thursday) | 照常 Regular | 翌日凌晨2時29分 02:29 (Next Day) |
05/07/2023 (星期五 Friday) | 早上7時01分 07:01 | 照常 Regular |
Dear Valued Customer,
Regarding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day Holiday, please notice that deposit and withdrawal arrangement of markets will be as follows:
日期 | 入金 Deposit | 出金Withdrawal |
2024年7月1日 July 1, 2024 | 正常 Regular | 暫停Suspension |
If you require further information, please contact our customer service.
EMPEROR VIP CENTRE 英皇尊貴理財中心: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道288號英皇集團中心8樓801室
走勢諮詢專線: (852) 9262 1888 / (86) 135 6070 1133
電郵地址: bb@MW801.com
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