紐約期油–油價續告下跌, 受制於明年需求過剩憂慮
油價上周五下跌,儘管OPEC+決定推遲增產並將深度減產行動延長至2026年底,但預計明年需求疲軟仍將導致供應過剩。美國原油期貨結算價報每桶67.20美元,下跌1.10美元,跌幅為1.6%。整周美國原油期貨下跌 1.2%。OPEC+周四將開始提高石油產量的時間推遲了三個月,至明年4月,並將全面解除減產的時間推後了一年,至2026年底。美銀周五在一份報告中預測,石油過剩加劇將推動布蘭特原油在2025年的均價達到每桶65美元,而明年石油需求增長將反彈至100萬桶/日。匯豐銀行在一份報告中表示,目前預計石油市場過剩將為20萬桶/日,之前的預測為50萬桶/日。
阻力 70.40 - 71.50 - 72.88 – 73.95
支持 67.00 – 66.61 – 65.00 – 64.00
Regarding the captioned Holiday, please notice that trading schedule of Markets for Foreign Currency and Precious Metals (Online Platform) will be as follows:
Online Platform (Foreign Currency)
日期 DATE | 開市 OPEN | 收市 CLOSE |
17/02/2025 | 照常 Regular | 照常 Regular |
18/02/2025 (星期二 Tuesday) | 照常 Regular | 照常 Regular |
Online Platform (Precious Metals)
日期 DATE | 開市 OPEN | 收市 CLOSE |
17/02/2025 | 早上7時01分 07:01 | 翌日凌晨3時29分 0329 next day |
18/02/2025 (星期二 Tuesday) | 早上7時01分 07:01 | 照常 Regular |
For better service and experience with us, we will conduct system maintenance from January 11th, 2025 (Saturday) 10:00am to January 12th, 2025 (Sunday) 10:00pm.
The systems cannot be logged in and services will be temporarily affected during the maintenance period. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Regarding the Christmas & New Year Holiday, please notice that trading hours arrangement of markets will be as follows:
網上平台(外匯) Online Platform (Foreign Currency)
日期 | 開市 | 收市 |
24/12/2024 (星期二Tuesday) | 照 常 Regular | 翌日凌晨5時50分 05:50 Next Day |
25/12/2024 (星期三Wednesday) | 休市 CLOSED | |
26/12/2024 (星期四Thursday) | 07:01 | 照 常 Regular |
31/12/2024 (星期二Tuesday) | 照 常 Regular | 翌日凌晨5時50分 05:50 Next Day |
01/01/2025 (星期三Wednesday) | 休市 CLOSED | |
02/01/2025 (星期四Thursday) | 07:01 | 照 常 Regular |
網上平台(貴金屬) Online Platform (Precious Metals)
日期 | 開市 | 收市 |
24/12/2024 (星期二Tuesday) | 照 常 Regular | 翌日凌晨2時44分 02:44 Next Day |
25/12/2024 (星期三Wednesday) | 休市 CLOSED | |
26/12/2024 (星期四Thursday) | 07:01 | 照 常 Regular |
31/12/2024 (星期二Tuesday) | 照 常 Regular | 翌日凌晨5時50分 05:50 Next Day |
01/01/2025 (星期三Wednesday) | 休市 CLOSED | |
02/01/2025 (星期四Thursday) | 07:01 | 照 常 Regular |
Merry X’mas & Happy New Year
Regarding the captioned Holiday, please notice that trading schedule of Markets for Precious Metals and Foreign Currency will be as follows:
Online Platform (Foreign Currency )
日期 Date | 開市 Open | 收市 Close |
28/11/2023 (星期四Thursday) | 照 常 Regular | 照 常 Regular |
29/11/2023 (星期五Friday) | 照 常 Regular | 照 常 Regular |
Online Platform (Precious Metals)
日期 Date | 開市 Open | 收市 Close |
28/11/2024 (星期四Thursday) | 照 常 Regular | 翌日凌晨3時29分 03:29 |
29/11/2024 (星期五Friday) | 早上時01分 07:01 | 翌日凌晨3時44分 03:44 |
Any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service department.
Regarding the captioned Holiday, please notice that trading schedule of Markets for Precious Metals will be as follows:
Online Platform (Precious Metals)
日期 Date | 開市 Open | 收市 Close |
28/11/2024 (星期四Thursday) | 照 常 Regular | 翌日凌晨3時29分 03:29 |
29/11/2024 (星期五Friday) | 早上時01分 07:01 | 翌日凌晨3時44分 03:44 |
Any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service department.
EMPEROR VIP CENTRE 英皇尊貴理財中心: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道288號英皇集團中心8樓801室
走勢諮詢專線: (852) 9262 1888 / (86) 135 6070 1133
電郵地址: bb@MW801.com
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