Profit Calculation against US Dollars
Japanese Yen * Swiss Franc * Canadian Dollar:
[(1/ selling price - 1/ buying price) x contract value x US dollar settlement price +/- interest - commission] x no. of contracts = profit/loss
Euro * British Pound * Australian Dollar * New Zealand Dollar:
[(selling price - buying price) x contract value x US dollar settlement price +/- interest - commission] x no. of contracts = profit/loss
Profit Calculation against HK Dollars
Euro * Japanese Yen * Swiss Franc * Canadian Dollar * British Pound * Australian Dollar * New Zealand Dollar:
[(selling price - buying price) x contract value +/- interest - commission] x no. of contracts = profit/loss
Example 1 | |
Transaction | Buy 2 contracts of British Pound against US dollars and settle on the same day |
Contract Value | GBP62500 |
Buying Price | US$2.0500 to GBP1 |
Selling Price | US$1.5350 to GBP1 |
US Dollar Settlement Price | 7.8 |
Commission (per contract) | HK Headquarters: HK$300; |
Initial Margin Required (HK) | [ ( 62,500 x 2.05 x 7.8 ) x 5% ] x 2 = HK$99,937.50 (HK$49,968.75 per contract) |
Profit/Loss | { [ (2.065 - 2.05) x 62,500 x 7.8 ] - Commission } x 2 = HK$14,625 - Commission x 2 ( Profit ) |
Example 2 | |
Transaction | Sell 2 contracts of Japanese Yen against US Dollars and settle on the same day |
Contract Value | 12,500,000 YEN |
Buying Price | YEN115.00 to US$1 |
Selling Price | YEN116.00 to US$1 |
US Dollar Settlement Price | 7.8 |
Commission (per contract) | HK Headquarters: HK$300; |
Initial Margin Required (HK) | [ (12,500,000 x 1/115 x 7.8) x 5% ] x 2 = HK$84,783 (HK$42,391 per contract ) |
Profit/Loss | { [ (1/115 - 1/116) x 12,500,000 x 7.8 ] - Commission } x 2 = HK$14,617.69 - Commission x 2 ( Profit ) |
Profit Calculations For Cross-rate Trading
[(Selling price - buying price) x contract value x JPHK settlement price ÷ 100 +/- interest - commission] x no. of contracts = profit/loss
[(Selling price - buying price) x contract value x CFHK settlement price +/-interest - commission] x no. of contracts = profit/loss
[(Selling price - buying price) x contract value x GPHK settlement price +/- interest - commission] x no. of contracts = profit/loss
Example 3 | |
Transaction | Sell and buy 2.5 contracts of EUR/ JPY |
Contract Value | EUR 62,500 |
Buying Price | Yen 160.00 to EUR 1 |
Selling Price | Yen 159.00 to EUR 1 |
US Dollar Settlement Price | 7.3 (per YEN100) |
Commission (per contract) | HK Headquarters: HK$300; |
Initial Margin Required (HK) | 〔 (62,500 x 160 x 7.300 ÷ 100) x 5% 〕 x 2.5 = HK$91,250 (HK$36,500 per contract) |
Profit/Loss | { [ (160 - 159) x 62.500 x 7.300 ÷ 100 ] - Commission } x 2.5 = HK$11,406.25 - Commission x 2.5 (Profit) |
(Above listed trading details are for reference and are subject to changes. For details, please call us at 2574 2229.)
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Hot Line: (852) 9262 1888 / (86) 135 6070 1133
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